Out with the old and in with the new!!! A new year, a new day! Looking back at 2020, it was supposed to be a year to start a business and watch it grow, instead it became a year of personal growth for all of us I think. Last year was definitely a challenge to say the least. I am thankful though for my health, having loving family and friends around me (at 2 meters away of course). My family and I managed the keep the virus out of our house and everyone is as snug as a bug here. Hey, another day dodged is another day gained right?
We sure went through heck and back huh? As a community we were faced with many challenges but I feel as Vancouverites we did a pretty good job. Was it hard? Yes indeed! Did we all pull together? Yes indeed. I know that in some ways we didn’t get full participation… “nice to meet you Karen” but as a whole, we did flatten the curve in the summer and were able to have some “normalcy” for a time. But it was so heart warming watching our communities pull together and work as one. The support for small businesses was great to see. The #shoplocal was shown everywhere! I would never have discovered glazed Mochi if it weren’t for a friend posting about it on her IG lol, and the feeling of being able to contribute a little bit was such a great thing to do. I watched my community help support my little business too and that meant the world to me.

It will still be a “slow and steady” to win the race kinda thing, but I think I, we are ready for it. The past year has taught us a lot from not hoarding toilet paper and only buying what you need, to taking on new recipes and cooking more at home for our loved ones. I think that after all this super cleaning and sterilizing it showed us how we take things for granted, that the little things do matter and taking the time to do it right is key. In the midst of the “quarantine time” I was able to focus on what I wanted my business to be, what I wanted it to reflect. It is still important to me that Kalon Cosmetx shows authenticity and genuine care for our guests that come through. I want it to show that I am here to provide education/information and a hand to hold for each and everyone of you. To walk you through each step, even if it means we cleanse our faces together over face time lol. It truly gives me good feels when I get replies that say, “thank you so much”, or “I really frickin’ love my skin!”. Those are the comments my little estie life lives for haha! But it’s that feedback that reminds me to always lead with integrity. Over the past few months I had time to rest and reset. I worked at the clinic here and there but recognizing that there is still a lot of rebuilding in our community while we all live through this pandemic. I am grateful for clients who came in for treatments and I am missing those I haven’t seen yet. Soon my lovelies we will all back together again. I learned that our versions of this struggle is very different from person to person. We all have worries of family members that may be at risk and although my assurance of the sterility of the clinic is safe, it will only be in due time when people feel fully comfortable again. That’s ok, I can wait. It’ll just mean more when that day comes because hopefully we will be able to hug by then! In the meantime, I am happy to provide advice through texts, emails and face time. You know me, get me talking about skin and you’ve got one happy camper haha! So for now, lets continue our diligence in staying safe and keeping well. We will see a brand new normal soon.
Take care,